Where am I dreaming of going this week? It’s easier for me to tell you where I don’t want to go, it would be a much shorter list (the grocery store, dentist, post office). See what I mean? Let’s stay focused here. I know people scroll through social media, watch a movie, flip through a magazine and see destinations they would possibly love to visit. Sometimes it’s the phase of life we’re in, financial reasons or not enough PTO that keep us from flying off to Bora Bora next month.  The good news though, it won’t always be like this. I have noticed some destinations in my research that look alike or maybe offer similar attractions. And the great thing about some of these places? They are accessible by car or in the Caribbean! This post is about comparison shopping. I’m sure I’ve said before how I do love to shop! Let’s take a look…

Quebec City
Antwerp, Belgium

Don’t these images of the quaint buildings and cobblestone streets give you a sense of history? They are both so beautiful. Now I have not yet been to either one of these cities, but they look so similar. However, I do know people who have been, and they’ve given me their insight. They are both situated on rivers and have picturesque side streets to sit, have a cup of coffee and spend some time people watching. If right now Europe feels unattainable, Quebec City is practically in our backyard! Especially for those who live in the Northeast. This would be about a 7-hour drive from where I live. If you do decide to fly instead, United and American offer flights but Delta does not unfortunately. http://Quebec-cite.com is a great resource for things to do, where to eat and stay, etc. 

The Baths, Virgin Gorda

Let’s head someplace warmer with a beach! Who wouldn’t want to go to Seychelles? The island looks stunning and I’m not saying I would never go. But that is nearly a two-day trip and a 9-hour time difference from EST. Just in case I’ve sparked your interest, check out https://www.seychelles.com. So, what’s the alternative? The British Virgin Islands, specifically, Virgin Gorda. I have to apologize for my photo of VG, this was almost 10 years ago and my camera was not that great. But “The Baths” are a treasure. There are these massive boulders on the beach and there are walkways and caves to explore. It is so much fun. The particular area we were in had a small food shack with burgers, fries and drinks. http://www.bvitourism.com

I was visiting my friend, Meera who lived in St. Thomas at the time. We took the ferry from Red Hook to the neighboring St. John where we boarded another ferry and headed to the BVIs. At the port, there were some locals who offered to take tourists around the island. We did just that. Our driver first brought us to The Baths for about 3 hours. He came back and showed us around this small island telling us some of the history and showed us a house high on a hill that apparently belonged to Morgan Freeman!

This is probably worth mentioning, there were 2 of us and we didn’t have any qualms about this man driving us around. Please use your judgment and your instincts. It doesn’t matter if you’re with a group of people, a couple or a solo traveler. Trust your gut! If something doesn’t feel right, don’t put your life at risk.  

Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal
Notre Dame, Paris

Don’t ask me how I got so lucky to see Paris before Montreal. It was a dream come true. I consumed 7 croissants in 48 hours, don’t judge me. You would do the same. And the very first thing I ate was an apple tart inside that white tent in front of Notre Dame, and this was also the first tourist site I saw. You probably notice a pattern with me. I can remember what I ate and what I was wearing when traveling (it was a black, white and pink kimono with jeans). The picture is complete! Now back to Paris…it is amazing and should be on everyone’s list. The food is delectable, shopping is amazing and the neighborhoods each have their own personalities. It is a small enough city that you wouldn’t need more than 4-5 days to explore. Check out http://parisjetaime.com to dream about taking a trip someday!

Once again though, Montreal is just over the NYS border situated on the St. Lawrence River and only a 5-hour drive from central NY. There’s a whole section dedicated to this “old” section of the city. Their official tourist guide is here: http://www.mtl.org I know very little French, but I do believe when you’re traveling somewhere and the native language is not English, it’s considerate to know some phrases. Even if it’s just hello, please and thank you. It goes a long way in another country. I have heard the dialect is quite different and the French spoken in Quebec may not sound like the French you’ve heard before. I’ve heard from several people that the sights and food are an experience and I can’t wait to visit soon. Another great option if you have more time, is to combine Montreal and Quebec City. Especially if you’re driving, these cities are less than 3 hours from one another. I say kill 2 birds with one stone.

Look at this lush green landscape and a secluded waterfall. You might think this is Hawaii. Guess again…St. Lucia in the Caribbean! Leave early in the morning and arrive by the afternoon. Who wouldn’t want to go to Hawaii, it looks amazing. For years, it has been known to have some of the world’s best beaches. My husband and I considered Hawaii for our honeymoon years ago, but he was not thrilled with flying so far. We chose Aruba instead but St. Lucia has always been on my radar. I am so excited that I’ll have more to share on this romantic destination, as I have a trip planned later in the year.

Again, if you don’t love the idea of traveling so far and having the 5-hour time difference (from the East coast), consider St. Lucia. Believe it or not, the price is about the same to fly to both islands. So if you have always had Hawaii on your list, I say go for it! But if time and distance are more of a concern, you have options. This is probably a good time to point out, that not all islands in the Caribbean have the same topography. I mentioned we went to Aruba. It’s a warm and welcoming island, but more desert-like and flat.  A stark difference to the green hills and vibrant colors of St. Lucia. 

For the adventure seekers, there is hiking the famous Pitons, sulphur springs, ATV tours and ziplines. There are plenty of romantic resorts dotted on the Western coast, including 3 Sandals properties, which are all-inclusive. If cruises are more your style, plenty of companies include St. Lucia as a stop on their itineraries. If you’re heading to St. Lucia, there is an immigration form that needs to be done no more than 72 hours before arrival. One per family needs to be completed and a QR code will be sent to your email which will be presented to Customs along with your passport. All this and more useful information can be found on http://stlucia.org.

The Great Blue Hole

Can you imagine seeing this from an airplane? It’s the Great Blue Hole in Belize. Where’s Belize, in case you’re wondering? Its neighbors are Mexico and Guatemala bordering the Caribbean Sea! And you’d never guess that the official language of this country situated in Central America is English. Another great reason to visit this small country with the world’s 2nd largest coral reef. So if you don’t want to cross the international date line to the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, head here instead. You could be there by late afternoon sipping a cocktail on the beach! Belize is a destination for adventure travelers. There are plenty of Maya ruins to visit, hiking, canoeing and there is plenty of wildlife to see at the their Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary. Amazing food, culture and plenty of festivals throughout the year pack a punch in this small nugget in the Caribbean. Visit https://www.travelbelize.org.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this comparison shopping experience. As you can see, there are some places in the world that are similar. If you can’t quite make it yet to where you really want to go, there might be a closer and less expensive option. Keep dreaming and saving for that bucket list destination! I personally know how it feels to wait years to finally arrive in a place you’ve always dreamed of. As always, reach out to me if you want your dreams to become a reality at [email protected]. I look forward to working with you.

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